How UX/UI Is Used By Designers To Improve The User Experience In Mobile Apps

By: John Tomblin, Senior Solutions Architect PhoenixBizz a division of Sofvue, LLC Printed with permission of Data Titan, Sofvue LLC, and the author The transformation of mobile app development has undergone radical changes over the past two decades. In fact, the concept of UI/UX wasn’t even a term until the 1990’s when the development world realized the importance of what it is. So, let’s begin with some simple definitions. UX designers focus on understanding the user's needs and goals within a business, and then use this information to create an overall experience that is efficient. At Phoenix Bizz, we employ a number of processes and tactics to achieve this goal using User Journey’s to demonstrate the flow of a mobile app, creating wireframes and mockups, and sometimes prototypes, and testing the app with users to gather insight. UI designers focus on creating the visual aesthetics of a mobile app, such as the layout, color scheme, white space and typogr...